Saturday, December 31, 2005
Casandra and Micsto

Myspace intermission: Occasionally, we take a break from the main "6000 list" to encounter people at Myspace. Who do you find more intriguing? Casandra writes, "Ethnically, I am half-German. Spiritually, I am half-Asian. Emotionally, I am half-Pashtun. Intellectually, I will blow your mind. My Chinese name is Chung Li. I fence competitively. I am an award winning artist and speaker. My free time is spent writing short stories in Vietnamese." Or Micsto, whose interests include "music, film, art, photography, dance (flamenco, middle eastern folkloric, bellydancing: traditional and tribal), drummer (mainly Middle Eastern), world politics, history, cooking, books, writing, traveling to obscure locations, people watching and causing chaos."
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Martina Hoffmann

German-born artist, Martina Hoffmann, spent her childhood in Germany and in Cameroon, West Africa, where she was raised bilingually in French and German, while surrounded by African, French and German culture. In her latest mind-blowing artworks, Hoffmann uses her inner visions as a guide for her paintings. She sees herself as a "translator" for these visions.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Maggie Balistreri

Maggie Balistreri is author of The Evasion English Dictionary. Cultural criticism takes form in this book as Maggie make us all aware of the little linguistic games we play in order to "duck the truth," the words we use not to reveal our meaning but to mask it. Maggie Balistreri is also a performance artist and gifted, witty poet.
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Monday, December 26, 2005
Rick Strassman

Rick Strassman, MD, began the first new human research with psychedelic drugs in the United States in over 20 years. These studies investigated the effects of N,N-dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, a short-acting and powerful psychedelic. He administered approximately 400 doses of DMT to 60 human volunteers. He was drawn to DMT because of its presence in all of our bodies. Perhaps excessive DMT production from the pineal gland is involved in naturally occurring "psychedelic" states such as those in near-death, mystical, and "alien abduction" experiences.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Ninah Pixie

Ninah Pixie is a performer/artist/musician with a fascinating and popular Blog called Ollapodrida. She sings, plays piano, flute, and harmonium. She works a full-time day job for the National Center for Science Education (, which seems to tolerate her "bizarro-artsy-freaky lifestyle" and allows her the freedom to also pursue her role in the UBUIBI arts collective and Big City Orchestrae. She has experienced LSD and other aids to mystical enlightenment. She is currently producing an unusual music CD.
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Max Tegmark

According to cosmologist Max Tegmark, parallel universes are a direct implication of cosmological observations. He suggests that right now there a copy of you reading this Blog. The life of this person has been identical to yours in every respect. But perhaps he or she now decides to close this window without finishing it, while you read on. The idea of such an alter ego seems strange and implausible, but it is supported by astronomical observations. The simplest and most popular cosmological model today predicts that you have a twin in a galaxy about 10 to the 10^28 meters from here.
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Friday, December 23, 2005
Jennifer Michael Hecht

Jennifer Michael Hecht earned her Ph.D. in the History of Science from Columbia University. She is a Professor of History and book author. In her book The End of the Soul, she discusses the Society of Mutual Autopsy, which had the aim of proving that souls do not exist. The idea was that, after death, they would dissect each other.... In her book The Next Ancient World, she writes delightfully tricky poems that wildly bend the sense of our language.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Asya Schween

Asya Schween is an artist and mathematician who makes self-portraits that encourage us to shiver. She writes, "I'm Asya Schween, age 24. Immersed in incarnadine-hued twilight of my mind. Alone. I read no poetry but mathematical manuscripts and the Holy Bible. I'm a good girl. I will perish."
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Freeman Dyson

Freeman Dyson's books and writings span the range from the subatomic to the far reaches of space, time, and mind. English-born American physicist, mathematician, and futurist, he is famous for his work in quantum mechanics and his serious theorizing in futurism and science fiction concepts, including the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. He is the winner of the Templeton Prize for his thoughts on science and religion. He writes: "I do not make any clear distinction between mind and God. God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension."
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"I've always wanted to meet an alien. I've always wanted to know if there were aliens on this planet right now, that pose as people. I also want to meet David Icke." Other interests: Conspiracies, metaphysics, quantum physics lucid dreaming, OBEs...
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Tatiana Cooley

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Maria Spiropulu

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Xeni Jardin

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Fiorella Terenzi

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Ray Kurzweil
We are witnessing intersecting revolutions in a plethora of fields: biotechnology, nanotechnology, molecular electronics, computation, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, virtual reality, human brain reverse engineering, brain augmentation, robotics, and many others.
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Teja Krasek

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Lisa Randall

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Alex Grey

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Natasha Vita-More

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