Sunday, April 16, 2006
Claire Berlinski

Claire Berlinski received her doctorate in International Relations from Balliol College at Oxford University. She has since lived and worked in Britain, Thailand, Laos, France, and Turkey as a journalist, academic, consultant and freelance writer. Her latest book Menace in Europe explores the mystery and ekpyrotic future of this surreal yet important continent. We’ve often thought of Europe as the charming continent of windmills and gondolas. But lately, Europe has become the continent of endless strikes and demonstrations, bombings, radical Islamic cells in every city, and murders for speaking frankly about Islamic immigration. This isn’t the Europe we thought we knew. What’s going on over there? (A secret photo of Dr. Berlinski can be found here.)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Coral Hull

She would like to be an example to other multiples and autistics to show them that they can still be who they are and contribute in a positive, responsible, ethical and loving way to human society and the well being of life on Earth. Learn more about her brilliance, caring, creativity, wisdom, and hive mind here, and here.